Trendy Tuesday: Summer Wardrobe Essentials with Sydney

Trendy Tuesday Summer Wardrobe Essentials

Hey y’all! You’ve probably noticed from that super southern greeting that this is a guest blog post. So allow me a little shameless self promo: I’m Sydney, the eponymous blogger of Sydney Luella where I write (almost) on the daily! Since … Continue reading

Trendy Tuesday: One H&M Tank, Three Ways

So I went shopping this weekend. I needed some quick updates for my spring wardrobe and H&M as usual delivered, much under budget. One of my favorites is an adorable pink sleeveless collared shirt. It’s super versatile and today I’m styling it three different ways, two of which I’ve already worn! Definitely getting my money’s worth of this $13.00 steal, which I picked up for even less at about $9.00.


Casual yet Classy


The first ensemble is perfect for everyday or for something bordering smart casual. I also bought the fitted pants, and I love them. The high waist is super flattering. The solid really pops against the pattern, and strappy but classy shoes finish it off.


Concert Attire

For this look, I wore one of my favorite pairs of white shorts, a Maurices find similar to these Aéropostale shorts, and unbuttoned the bottom of the tank and tied it down low. I didn’t show any stomach (It was tied low and I wore a cami underneath), but it gave the look a very casual, summery feel. Pair with Sperrys and a casual crossbody bag for a perfect concert look. I rocked this look this weekend for Spring Fling.


Going Out

This last look is my favorite. I transitioned my concert look for Saturday night “Girls night out” by wearing the jersey skirt high-waisted and tying the shirt again, this time tying it a little short to show just a little stomach, flirty but classy. I paired it with flats (I like these loafers better) and a moto jacket for a look that’s a little edgy but still has a touch of class.

Do you have a piece in your wardrobe that does everything? Which look is your favorite?


Xoxo, Taylor