Things I Won’t Be Doing This Summer

Summer Blogger Challenge

I like a good challenge. Especially challenges that don’t involve physical activity. Or leaving my pajamas. This summer I’m doing the “#summerbloggerchallenge,” and this week’s prompt is “things you’re doing this summer.” Well thanks to Dolly the gallbladder-gone-rogue, I think you all know what I’m doing this summer. That’s not that exciting.

To mix things up, here are some things I won’t be doing this summer:

-Robbing a bank
-Taking up gambling
-Crossing the street without looking both ways
-Anything remotely risky
-Overexerting myself at the gym
-Growing a beard
-Giving up sarcasm
-Learning how to parasail
-Watching another Seth McFarlane movie
-Eating any more hospital food
-Pretending to rob a bank like these characters
-Paying for my dinner at Olive Garden (more about that later)
-Watching the World Cup
-Watching golf
-Watching any sport on television that isn’t football
-Buying ALL THE THINGS now that I work at Ulta (or at least trying not to)
-Abstaining from Starbucks
-Laundry (very often, isn’t it the worst chore?)
-Meeting Michelle Obama 😦 (I’ll keep working on it)

What are you NOT doing this summer?

Xoxo, Taylor

11 thoughts on “Things I Won’t Be Doing This Summer

  1. OOH I like the spin! Much better then my summer blog post lol so funny! I will definetly be reading more of your posts!

    if you have a chance check out my blog!


  2. love this list and your sarcasm. and this must be faith, or call it destiny, but i wont rob a bank either!


  3. I LOVE this take on the prompt! I giggled while reading it! I won’t be growing a beard either, but my boyfriend sure is! This summer i’m going to *try* not to get sunburned! I also won’t be overexerting myself at the gym! hahaha!


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